You want to buy or sell a property? The agencyis the specialist in real estate transactions and estimates your property for free.

A relationship of trust willbeestablished and wewilldraw up a sales mandate whichmaybe exclusive, semi-exclusive or non-exclusive.

You willimmediatelybenefit from

- the support of our sales department

- the listing of your property in ourbuyers' file

- the advertising of your property on the most efficient websites

However, if youwish to betotallydiscreet about the sale of your property, we can stillact, as all the members of ouragency are subject to the rules of confidentiality and ethics laid down by the Hoguet law. Anotheradvantage: the central agencyundertakes to offer a diagnosis in the event of the signing of an exclusive 3-month mandate.

As for ourbuyer clients, weofferthem the possibility of visitingperfectlyrecognisedpropertieswith the best quality-price ratio.

Our negotiators have a perfectknowledge of the properties and guaranteeyou a reliable and preciseestimate.

On average, we carry out 25 transactions per year.


The agency carries out aroundtwentyrentals of flats and villas per year. We use all advertising and information means to reducevacancies to zero and thus enable a rapid re-rental.

Withinour team, twotrained and experienced people systematicallyvisit the properties and accompany the tenants in theirsearch and the submission of their file.


IMMOCLAIR specialises in seasonalrentals and offers a selection of flats and villas for unforgettableholidays.

Our rentals are ideallypositioned on the North Coast of Mauritius for a total immersion and an exceptionalstay in ourzil!

Beyond the choice of locations, our team guaranteesyou a quality service:

- Fast and securebooking

- Explanation of the villa'soperation and handing over of the keys

- IMMOCLAIR welcomebookletwithusefuladdresses and emergency numbers

- Proposal of services such as car rental, excursions, baby-sitting, cook etc...

Takeadvantage of the mildness of the North by coming to stay in one of our flats or in one of our villas: wewillgiveyou the keys to a unique stay.

Bookingwith IMMOCLAIR is the assurance of spending your holidays in a little corner of paradise, with the addedbenefit of professional services.


For owners, our Airbnb concierge service has been in existence since 2015 to free you from these obligations.

From advertising, to interactingwithtravellers, to technical and sanitary maintenance, or pricing: everythingistaken care of to maximise your interest.

Withthousands of bookingsunderourbelt, we have established a qualityhospitalitystrategythat has been proven over the years.


Our experienced and continuouslytrained managers are entrustedwith a property of whichthey have completeknowledge. Theymeeteach landlord personally, visit the propertytogether and draw up the incoming and outgoinginventories of fixtures themselves, without the possibility of subcontracting, by meeting the tenant.

The agencyemphasises the availability of the manager and hisability to find quick solutions to problems. Our integrated "works" departmentis an additional asset for a quick, professionalvisit and resolution of the problemencountered on site. An internalaccountingdepartmentisfullydedicated to this service, allowing for efficient processing of financial flows.

A la recherche d'un bien en vente ou à louer ?